
Take a deeper dive into our expertise with our series of free ebooks and downloadable guides

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The RH&Co Blog Audit Template

Our practical, interactive framework that will make auditing your blog content a million times easier

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How to run a conflict-free content project

A practical step-by-step guide for managing stakeholders and agency relationships

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RH&Co icon representing brand tone of voice and messaging

How brands evolve

Expert insights from across the startup-scaleup journey

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RH&Co icon representing technology content and copywriting

Complex, fast-moving, disruptive

The challenges of marketing a tech brand – and how to overcome them

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RH&Co icon representing expertise-based content and copywriting

Building brand authority

How to stand out in a world of AI-generated content

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What do CxOs read?

What B2B marketers need to know about creating content for the C-suite

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B2B sales and marketing challenges

3 foundational obstacles and how to use content to overcome them

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RH&Co icon - Sustainability copywriting services RH&Co icon - Sustainability copywriting services

Communicating sustainability

A guide for values-led organisations

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How brands evolve: expert insights from across the startup-scaleup journey

Building, evolving and scaling a new brand is a complex and often messy process with multiple stakeholders and seemingly endless ramifications.

In our Brand round table event, we brought together experts from across the startup-scale ecosystem to get their insights into everything from what brand is and who should be involved in its creation to how and when it should evolve and for what reasons.

Our expert panel included a range of perspectives, from an M&A expert to an angel investor and a portfolio NED, as well as founders and marketing experts. Download the report to dig into what they had to say.

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How brands evolve: Expert insights from across the startup-scaleup journey How brands evolve: Expert insights from across the startup-scaleup journey

Complex, fast-moving, disruptive: the challenges of marketing a tech brand – and how to overcome them

Whether you’re a startup fintech or a scaleup SaaS platform, when you’re working in a fast-paced, highly complex industry like technology, it’s likely that your market is ever shifting, as is the thinking behind each invention.

What holds true today, might not hold true tomorrow. Content strategies quickly go out of date, familiar brand positioning loses its relevance, and many old marketing tactics simply stop working altogether.

At RH&Co we’ve spent years in conversation with technology brands, helping them to spot these emerging pitfalls and find new workarounds. Here’s what we’ve learned, grounded in real life examples.

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Complex, fast-moving, disruptive: The challenges of marketing a tech brand and how to overcome them

Building brand authority: why expertise-based content wins in a cynical age

From build-it-yourself-website platforms to single-print self-publishing services to ChatGPT-generated content, the barriers to entering the competition for people’s attention has never been lower.

Winning that competition, however, has never been more challenging. It’s not just about being heard above the noise. The ease with which literally anyone can publish content has made people cynical.

In this context, it’s not enough to create content, even if it’s articulate, engaging and SEO friendly. Instead, businesses need to dig deep into the knowledge, skills and experience within their people and create content brimming with something AI-driven content mills can’t reproduce: expertise.

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Cover of RH&Co ebook - Building brand authority: Why expertise-based content wins in a cynical age

What do CxOs read? What B2B marketers need to know about creating content for the C-suite

If you’re a B2B marketer tasked with engaging a C-suite audience, you don’t need us to tell you how elusive CxOs are. What you do need is to understand what they actually read…

What makes them engage with a piece of content and what puts them off? How can you get in front of them in the first place and how do you ensure you deliver a return on your investment?

That’s exactly what our one-of-a-kind research report covers. Featuring survey results plus conversations with C-suite execs from the likes of Groupon, Card Factory and The Very Group, this is insight like you’ve not seen before.


What do CxOs read? What B2B marketers need to know about creating content for the C-suite What do CxOs read? What B2B marketers need to know about creating content for the C-suite

3 foundational B2B sales and marketing challenges – and how to overcome them

Forget Brexit, COVID and the recession, there are three challenges B2B marketers and salespeople face no matter what the political, economic or social circumstances.

You still need to prove the value you can add for your buyers. They still need to get buy-in from colleagues who don’t quite get what it is you actually do. And it still takes as long as it takes (ie too long).

Luckily you don’t have to just accept these challenges. In this guide we’re looking at how content can help you overcome them.

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Cover of RH&Co ebook called 3 Foundational B2B saes and marketing challenges, and how to overcome them Cover of RH&Co ebook called 3 Foundational B2B saes and marketing challenges, and how to overcome them

Communicating sustainability: a guide for values-led organisations

Sustainability, ESG, ethics, values, reporting – more businesses than ever are prioritising People and Planet alongside Profit.

This is clearly a good thing. But for those charged with marketing their organisations, it poses a series of challenges. There’s the risk of being accused of greenwashing. There’s the battle to get your message heard above the increased noise. There’s the need to communicate impact effectively.

Finding a way through these challenges is essential. In this guide we’ve drawn together all of our knowledge and experience, not only as a B Corp but as an agency that has worked with a raft of values-led business in sectors ranging from science and technology to health and haircare.

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Cover of RH&Co ebook entitled 'Communicating sustainability: A guide for values-led organisations' Cover of RH&Co ebook entitled 'Communicating sustainability: A guide for values-led organisations'