Accessible and engaging white papers

Take your content to the next level. Build your authority and credibility with targeted white papers and quality ebooks designed for highly informed audiences or niche industries.

Get high value content

Don’t join the conversation – lead it

Whether you’re looking to break into a new market or strengthen your share of an industry niche, it’s not enough to tell your audience you’re the best. You have to prove it.

Long form content gives you a platform on which to showcase your expertise, knowledge and understanding of a key topic, strengthening your brand reputation – the foundation on which all marketing is built.

A collaborative approach to creating IP

You have valuable expertise within your organisation. Skills and experience that sets you apart from your competitors. But it’s not always easy to communicate this effectively.

Our journalistic approach to research and interviewing subject matter experts allows us to showcase your unique IP, crafting it into digestible, engaging copy that will build your brand’s authority.


Helping your white paper perform better

For your white paper or ebook to deliver results, you need to do two things: get people to read it, and then get them to take action. Our content add-on services include:


Teaser blogs to whet the appetite and encourage downloads.

Social copy

Increase the reach of your content using your social network.


Deliver your content directly to your subscribers via their inbox.

“The RH&Co team are excellent listeners”

“The RH&Co team are excellent listeners. Finding the important details in what we were telling them, understanding the relevance to our audience and converting it to a usable content piece is what impressed me the most.”

– Vaq Hussain, Marketing Manager, Actual Experience

Start a conversation in your industry

Whether you’re ready to get started or want to talk through the finer details of your project, get in touch today to find out how we can help.

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White paper writing services

Helping expert-led businesses build brand authority using long-form content

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