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More like an online magazine than a newsletter…

…think Grazia but with less of the celebs and fashion, more of the marketing and business insights.

– Ingrid Morgan, Marketing Coordinator, RH&Co

Reasons why marketers love it…

We keep it short

Just a brief summary of each topic – you can click through if you want to read more.

We keep it colourful

With plenty of imagery and photography – because paragraph after paragraph of print should be saved for novels.

We only send it once a month

Selecting the best bits of the last 30 days and keeping it interesting.

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Here’s what you’ll get

✔️ Two RH&Co super blogs – the latest creations from the RH&Co team, or ones from the archives that we think you’ll find really helpful.

✔️ An article, video or other insight from the wider world of marketing to keep you informed and in the know.

✔️ An update from the RH&Co team so you don’t miss out on our upcoming events, latest downloads or any other news we think you’ll want to know about.

✔️ Word of the week – arguably pointless but definitely fun. A random, unusual word and its meaning for you to try to weave into conversation at the next opportunity. 


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